Check collisions between player shots & enemies.

This commit is contained in:
Colin McMillen 2015-06-07 08:55:45 -04:00
parent c5c3297237
commit ac5dcc504a
2 changed files with 89 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
; 0023: shot cooldown timer.
; 0024: next-shot state.
; 0025: number of frames until the next enemy ship spawns.
; 0026-0027: player score.
; [gap]
; 0030-003F: (x, y) velocities of each of the 8 possible shot states.
; 0040-009F: {sprite, x, y, x-velocity, y-velocity, unused} per player shot.
@ -36,6 +37,7 @@
.define shotCooldown $23
.define nextShotState $24
.define enemyShipSpawnCooldown $25
.define playerScore $26
.define shotVelocityTable $30
.define playerShotArray $40
.define playerShotArrayLength 16

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@ -735,17 +735,18 @@ ShotDone:
; Expects:
; $00: x-coordinate of ship's center.
; $01: y-coordinate of ship's center.
; $02: x-coordinate of shot's upper-left.
; $03: y-coordinate of shot's upper-left.
; $04: half of the shot's size.
; $02: half of the shot's size.
; $03: x-coordinate of shot's upper-left.
; $04: y-coordinate of shot's upper-left.
; Modifies:
; $05
; A: set to non-zero if there was a collision, zero otherwise.
lda $02
lda $03
adc $04 ; Get the center of the shot.
adc $02 ; Get the center of the shot.
sbc $00
bpl + ; If the result is positive, great!
eor #$ff ; Otherwise, negate it.
@ -759,9 +760,9 @@ CheckCollision:
sta $05 ; Save dx for later.
; Find dy.
lda $03
lda $04
adc $04 ; Get the center of the shot.
adc $02 ; Get the center of the shot.
sbc $01
bpl + ; If the result is positive, great!
eor #$ff ; Otherwise, negate it.
@ -780,6 +781,9 @@ CheckCollision:
lda #2 ; Half of shot's size.
sta $02
; Store player position statically.
lda playerX
@ -793,42 +797,107 @@ CheckCollisionsWithPlayer:
sta $01
ldx #0
lda enemyShotArray, X
cmp #0 ; Check whether it's active.
beq ++
beq +
lda enemyShotArray + 1, X ; x.
sta $02
lda enemyShotArray + 2, X ; y.
sta $03
lda enemyShotArray + 2, X ; y.
sta $04
jsr CheckCollision
cmp #0
beq ++
beq +
; OK, we got a hit!
; Disable the shot.
; OK, we got a hit! Disable the shot.
lda #0
sta enemyShotArray, X
; And decrement the player's life.
; ... and decrement the player's life.
lda playerHealth
cmp #0
beq ++
beq +
dec playerHealth
.rept shotSize
cpx #(enemyShotArrayLength * shotSize)
bne --
bne -
lda #2 ; Half of shot's size.
sta $02
ldy #0 ; Index into enemyShipArray.
lda enemyShipArray, Y
cmp #0 ; Check whether it's active.
beq ++
; Store enemy position statically.
lda enemyShipArray + 1, Y ; x.
adc #16 ; Can't overflow.
sta $00 ; Store the center.
lda enemyShipArray + 2, Y ; y.
adc #15
sta $01 ; Store the center.
ldx #0 ; Index into playerShotArray.
lda playerShotArray, X
cmp #0
beq +
lda playerShotArray + 1, X ; x.
sta $03
lda playerShotArray + 2, X ; y.
sta $04
jsr CheckCollision
cmp #0
beq +
; OK, we got a hit! Disable the shot.
lda #0
sta playerShotArray, X
; ... and also the enemy ship.
sta enemyShipArray, Y
; Give that player some points. Players love points.
; TODO: convert to decimal only at display time?
sed ; Set decimal mode.
lda playerScore
adc #8
sta playerScore
cld ; Clear decimal mode.
bra ++ ; ... we're done with this ship; no need to check more shots.
.rept shotSize
cpx #(playerShotArrayLength * shotSize)
bne -
.rept enemyShipSize
cpy #(enemyShipArrayLength * enemyShipSize)
bne --