Various refactorings.

Rename InitializeFoo -> InitFoo.
Break UpdateWorld into a few functions.
shotArray -> playerShotArray.
This commit is contained in:
Colin McMillen 2015-05-31 17:20:13 -04:00
parent 98aedecd4c
commit f51a544956
2 changed files with 47 additions and 74 deletions

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
;- Standard SNES initialization routine, originally by Neviksti
.MACRO InitializeSNES
sei ;disable interrupts
clc ;switch to native mode

View File

@ -1,51 +1,7 @@
.INCLUDE "header.asm"
.INCLUDE "init.asm"
.INCLUDE "registers.asm"
; Memory layout:
; 0000-000F: scratch space for functions.
; 0010-0011: controller state of joypad #1.
; 0012-0013: controller state of joypad #2.
; 0014-0016: 24-bit counter of vblanks.
; 0017-0019: RGB color values to use for background color, from [0-31].
; 001A-001B: 16-bit pointer to next random byte.
; [gap]
; 0020-0021: (x, y) coordinates of player.
; 0022: shot cooldown timer.
; 0023: next-shot state.
; [gap]
; 0030-003F: (x, y) velocities of each of the 8 possible shot states.
; 0040-009F: {sprite, x, y, x-velocity, y-velocity, unused} per shot.
; If sprite is 0, the shot is disabled.
; [gap]
; Sprite table buffers -- copied each frame to OAM during VBlank, using DMA.
; 1000-11FF: table 1 (4 bytes each: x/y coord, tile #, flip/priority/palette)
; 1200-121F: table 2 (2 bits each: high x-coord bit, size)
; 1220-12A0: scratch table. One byte per sprite for high x-coord & size.
.define joy1 $10
.define joy2 $12
.define vBlankCounter $14
.define backgroundRed $17
.define backgroundGreen $18
.define backgroundBlue $19
.define randomBytePtr $1A
.define playerX $20
.define playerY $21
.define shotCooldown $22
.define nextShotState $23
.define shotVelocityTable $30
.define shotArray $40
.define shotArrayLength 16
.define shotSize 6
.define numSprites 128
.define spriteTableStart $1000
.define spriteTable1Size $200
.define spriteTable2Start $1200
.define spriteTableSize $220
.define spriteTableScratchStart $1220
.INCLUDE "memory.asm"
@ -94,7 +50,7 @@ rep #%00010000 ; 16-bit X/Y.
; By default we assume 16-bit X/Y and 8-bit A.
; If any code wants to change this, it's expected to do so itself,
@ -103,7 +59,7 @@ Start:
jsr LoadPaletteAndTileData
jsr InitializeWorld
jsr InitWorld
; Set screen mode: 16x16 tiles for backgrounds, mode 1.
lda #%11000001
@ -253,7 +209,7 @@ LoadPaletteAndTileData:
; Start the background color as a dark blue.
lda #4
sta backgroundBlue
@ -452,7 +408,7 @@ MaybeShoot:
cmp #0
bne MaybeShootDone
; Find the first empty spot in the shots array.
ldx #shotArray
ldx #playerShotArray
lda 0, X
cmp #0
@ -461,7 +417,7 @@ MaybeShoot:
; If we went all the way to the end, bail out.
cpx #(shotArray + shotArrayLength * shotSize)
cpx #(playerShotArray + playerShotArrayLength * shotSize)
beq MaybeShootDone
jmp -
@ -510,6 +466,14 @@ MaybeShootDone:
jsr UpdateShotCooldown
jsr UpdateShotPositions
jsr UpdateBackgroundScroll
; Update shot cooldown.
lda shotCooldown
cmp #0
@ -517,68 +481,72 @@ UpdateWorld:
dec A
sta shotCooldown
ldx #0
; Update shot position.
lda shotArray, X
UpdateShot: ; Updates position of one shot.
lda playerShotArray, X
cmp #0
beq ShotDone
; Add to the x-coordinate. If the carry bit is set, we went off the edge
; of the screen, so disable the shot.
lda shotArray + 3, X ; x-velocity.
lda playerShotArray + 3, X ; x-velocity.
sta $00
bit #%10000000 ; Check whether the velocity is negative.
bne UpdateShotWithNegativeXVelocity
lda shotArray + 1, X
lda playerShotArray + 1, X
adc $00
bcs DisableShot
sta shotArray + 1, X ; Store new x-coord.
sta playerShotArray + 1, X ; Store new x-coord.
jmp UpdateShotY
; TODO(mcmillen): wrap sprites when they go negative here, like we do
; with y-velocities.
lda shotArray + 1, X ; Current x.
lda playerShotArray + 1, X ; Current x.
adc $00
bcc DisableShot
sta shotArray + 1, X
sta playerShotArray + 1, X
jmp UpdateShotY
; Add to the y-coordinate.
lda shotArray + 4, X ; y-velocity.
lda playerShotArray + 4, X ; y-velocity.
sta $00
bit #%10000000 ; Check whether the velocity is negative.
bne UpdateShotWithNegativeYVelocity
lda shotArray + 2, X
lda playerShotArray + 2, X
adc $00
cmp #224
bcs DisableShot
sta shotArray + 2, X ; Store new y-coord.
sta playerShotArray + 2, X ; Store new y-coord.
jmp ShotDone
lda shotArray + 2, X ; Current y.
lda playerShotArray + 2, X ; Current y.
cmp #224
bcs + ; If the shot was "off the top" before moving, maybe we'll reap it.
adc $00 ; Otherwise, just update it,
sta shotArray + 2, X ; save the result,
sta playerShotArray + 2, X ; save the result,
jmp ShotDone ; and we know it shouldn't be reaped.
adc $00
cmp #224
bcc DisableShot ; If it's now wrapped around, reap it.
sta shotArray + 2, X
sta playerShotArray + 2, X
jmp ShotDone
stz shotArray, X
stz playerShotArray, X
; TODO(mcmillen): in places where we .rept inx (etc), is it faster to use
@ -586,9 +554,14 @@ ShotDone:
.rept shotSize
cpx #(shotArrayLength * shotSize)
cpx #(playerShotArrayLength * shotSize)
bne UpdateShot
; Make the background scroll. Horizontal over time; vertical depending on
; player's y-coordinate.
lda vBlankCounter
@ -654,25 +627,25 @@ UpdateSprites:
; Now add shots.
sty $00 ; Save sprite table 2 index.
ldy #0 ; Index into shotArray.
ldy #0 ; Index into playerShotArray.
lda shotArray, Y
lda playerShotArray, Y
cmp #0
beq + ; If not enabled, skip to next shot.
; Update sprite table 1.
sta spriteTableStart + 2, X ; sprite number
lda shotArray + 1, Y
lda playerShotArray + 1, Y
sta spriteTableStart, X ; x
lda shotArray + 2, Y
lda playerShotArray + 2, Y
sta spriteTableStart + 1, X ; y
; Update secondary sprite table.
phy ; Save shotArray index.
phy ; Save playerShotArray index.
ldy $00
lda #%11000000
sta spriteTableScratchStart, Y
sty $00
ply ; Restore shotArrayIndex.
ply ; Restore playerShotArrayIndex.
.rept 4
@ -681,7 +654,7 @@ UpdateSprites:
.rept shotSize
cpy #(shotArrayLength * shotSize)
cpy #(playerShotArrayLength * shotSize)
bne -
; Now clear out the unused entries in the sprite table.