.INCLUDE "header.asm" .INCLUDE "InitSNES.asm" .INCLUDE "registers.asm" ; The JSR and RTS instructions add a total of 12 cycles of overhead. For ; short, commonly-used functions, it makes sense to declare them as macros, ; which get inlined by the assembler at the point of use. This saves on ; CPU cycles, at the cost of code size. .MACRO ConvertXCoordinate ; Data in: world x-coordinate, in A register. ; Data out: SNES scroll data, in C (the 16-bit A register). rep #%00100000 ; 16-bit A eor #$FFFF ; Flip bits ina sep #%00100000 ; 8-bit A .ENDM .MACRO ConvertYCoordinate ; Data in: world y-coordinate, in A register. ; Data out: SNES scroll data, in C (the 16-bit A register). rep #%00100000 ; 16-bit A eor #$FFFF ; Flip bits sep #%00100000 ; 8-bit A .ENDM .BANK 0 SLOT 0 .ORG 0 .SECTION "MainCode" ; Memory layout: ; 00-0F: scratch space for functions. ; 10-11: controller state of joypad #1. ; 12-13: controller state of joypad #2. ; 14-17: 32-bit counter of vblanks. ; 20-21: (x, y) coordinates of player. ; 22-24: RGB color values to use for background color, from [0-31]. Start: InitializeSNES jsr LoadPaletteAndTileData ; Turn on the screen. ; Format: x000bbbb ; x: 0 = screen on, 1 = screen off, bbbb: Brightness ($0-$F) lda #%00001111 sta INIDISP ; Enable NMI interrupt & joypad. ; n-vh---j n: NMI interrupt enable v: vertical counter enable ; h: horizontal counter enable j: joypad enable lda #%10000001 sta NMITIMEN ; Store zeroes to the controller status registers. ; TODO(mcmillen): is this needed? I think the system will overwrite these ; automatically. stz JOY1H stz JOY1L ; Write something recognizable into our scratch space. jsr FillScratch ; Start the background color as a dark blue. lda #16 sta $24 MainLoop: wai ; Wait for interrupt. jmp MainLoop LoadPaletteAndTileData: ; For more details on DMA, see: ; http://wiki.superfamicom.org/snes/show/Grog%27s+Guide+to+DMA+and+HDMA+on+the+SNES ; http://wiki.superfamicom.org/snes/show/Making+a+Small+Game+-+Tic-Tac-Toe ; ; A lot of the graphics-related registers are explained in Qwertie's doc: ; http://emu-docs.org/Super%20NES/General/snesdoc.html ; ... but be careful, because there are some errors in this doc. ; ; bazz's tutorial (available from http://wiki.superfamicom.org/snes/) is ; quite helpful with palette / sprites / DMA, especially starting at ; http://wiki.superfamicom.org/snes/show/Working+with+VRAM+-+Loading+the+Palette ; 16-bit X/Y registers. Used for DMA source address & transfer size, both of ; which want 16-bit values. ; TODO(mcmillen): change back to 8-bit when we're done? rep #%00010000 ; 8-bit A/B registers. Used for DMA source bank & destination address. sep #%00100000 ; We only need one palette entry, so we just initialize it manually. ; We could also do this with a DMA transfer (like we do with the tile data ; below), but it seems overkill for just one entry :) lda #34 ; Set the 34th palette entry. sta CGADDR lda.l PaletteData sta CGDATA lda.l PaletteData + 1 sta CGDATA ; DMA 0 source address & bank. ldx #TileData stx DMA0SRC lda #:TileData sta DMA0SRCBANK ; DMA 0 transfer size. ldy #(15 * 16 *2) ; Also see the helpful "480 bytes" comment in tiles.asm. sty DMA0SIZE ; DMA 0 control register. ; Transfer type 001 = 2 addresses, LH. lda #%00000001 sta DMA0CTRL ; DMA 0 destination. lda #$18 ; Upper-byte is assumed to be $21, so this is $2118 & $2119. sta DMA0DST ; $2116 sets the word address for accessing VRAM. ldy #$0000 sty VMADDR ; Enable DMA channel 0. lda #%00000001 sta DMAENABLE ; VRAM writing mode. Increments the address every time we write to $2119. lda #%10000000 sta VMAIN ; Set word address for accessing VRAM to $6000. ldx #$6000 ; BG 2 starts here. stx VMADDR ldx #$000A ; Stick one tile into BG2. stx VMDATA ; Set up the screen. 16x16 tiles for BG2, 8x8 tiles elsewhere, mode 0. lda #%00100000 sta BGMODE ; $2108 is the BG2 VRAM location register. ; This tells it that the BG2 data starts at $6000. lda #%01100000 sta BG2SC stz BG12NBA ; Main screen: enable BG2. lda #%00000010 sta MSENABLE rts VBlankHandler: jsr VBlankCounter ; DEBUG jsr JoypadHandler jsr SetBackgroundColor jsr SetPlayerPosition rti VBlankCounter: ; Increment a counter of how many VBlanks we've done. inc $14 lda $14 cmp #$00 bne VBlankCounterDone inc $15 lda $15 cmp #$00 bne VBlankCounterDone inc $16 lda $16 cmp #$00 bne VBlankCounterDone inc $17 VBlankCounterDone: rts JoypadHandler: jsr JoypadDebug ; DEBUG JoypadUp: lda JOY1H and #$08 ; Up cmp #$08 bne JoypadDown ; Button not pressed. lda $21 cmp #0 beq JoypadDown ; Value saturated. dec $21 dec $21 JoypadDown: lda JOY1H and #$04 cmp #$04 bne JoypadLeft ; Button not pressed. lda $21 cmp #(224 - 16) beq JoypadLeft ; Value saturated. inc $21 inc $21 JoypadLeft: lda JOY1H and #$02 ; Left cmp #$02 bne JoypadRight ; Button not pressed. lda $20 cmp #0 beq JoypadRight ; Value saturated. dec $20 dec $20 JoypadRight: lda JOY1H and #$01 cmp #$01 ; Right bne JoypadB ; Button not pressed. lda $20 cmp #(256 - 16) beq JoypadB ; Value saturated. inc $20 inc $20 JoypadB: lda JOY1H and #$80 ; B cmp #$80 bne JoypadA ; Button not pressed. lda $22 cmp #0 beq JoypadA ; Value saturated. dec $22 JoypadA: lda JOY1L and #$80 ; A cmp #$80 bne JoypadY ; Button not pressed. lda $22 cmp #31 beq JoypadY ; Value saturated. inc $22 JoypadY: lda JOY1H and #$40 ; Y cmp #$40 bne JoypadX ; Button not pressed. lda $23 cmp #0 beq JoypadX ; Value saturated. dec $23 JoypadX: lda JOY1L and #$40 ; X cmp #$40 bne JoypadL ; Button not pressed. lda $23 cmp #31 beq JoypadL ; Value saturated. inc $23 JoypadL: lda JOY1L and #$20 ; L cmp #$20 bne JoypadR ; Button not pressed. lda $24 cmp #0 beq JoypadR ; Value saturated. dec $24 JoypadR: lda JOY1L and #$10 ; R cmp #$10 bne JoypadDone ; Button not pressed. lda $24 cmp #31 beq JoypadDone ; Value saturated. inc $24 ; TODO(mcmillen): have Start and Select do something too. JoypadDone: rts JoypadDebug: ; Load joypad registers into RAM for easier inspection. lda JOY1L sta $10 lda JOY1H sta $11 lda JOY2L sta $12 lda JOY2H sta $13 rts SetBackgroundColor: ; $22 $23 $24 are (R, G, B), each ranging from [0-31]. ; The palette color format is 15-bit: [0bbbbbgg][gggrrrrr] ; Set the background color. ; Entry 0 corresponds to the SNES background color. stz CGADDR ; Compute and the low-order byte and store it in CGDATA. lda $23 ; Green. .rept 5 asl .endr ora $22 ; Red. sta CGDATA ; Compute the high-order byte and store it in CGDATA. lda $24 ; Blue. .rept 2 asl .endr sta $00 lda $23 ; Green. .rept 3 lsr .endr ora $00 sta CGDATA rts SetPlayerPosition: ; Make sure the high byte of A is zeroed out. lda #$00 xba ; Get player x and convert it to a scroll offset. lda $0020 ConvertXCoordinate sta BG2HOFS xba sta BG2HOFS ; Make sure the high byte of A is zeroed out. lda #$00 xba ; Get player y and convert it to a scroll offset. lda $0021 ConvertYCoordinate sta BG2VOFS xba sta BG2VOFS rts FillScratch: lda #$42 ; B ldx #0 FillScratchLoop: sta $00,X inx cpx #$10 bne FillScratchLoop rts .ENDS .BANK 1 SLOT 0 .ORG 0 .SECTION "TileData" .INCLUDE "tiles.asm" .ENDS